GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf

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  • GB_T50761-2018  石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf

    whichisselectedaccordingtotherequirementsofSection4.2inthisstandard; meqequivalenttotal mass ofequipment(kg); Amequivalentmass coefficient,which is taken as 1for singlemass point system and o.85 multiple mass point system; mi,m,mass concentrated atmass pointiorj(kg); Fdesign value of horizontal seismic action at mass point i(N); h,h,calculatedheightofmasspointiorj(mm);


    Where,Fhkdesign value of horizontal seismic action on the equipmentmounted on theframework(N); Kmamplification factor of seismic action on the equipment mounted on theframework,which is selected from Tahle 4.4. 2

    交通标准Note: The height ol each ramework 4.4.3Ifthe structuralparameters of theframework areknown,thedesignvalueof thehorizontal seismic action on the equipment mounted on the framework may be calculated according to the requirements of Appendix A in this standard.

    Note: The height ol each ramework 4.4.3Ifthe structuralparameters of theframework areknown,thedesignvalueof thehorizontal seismic action on the equipment mounted on the framework may be calculated according to the requirements of AppendixA in this standard.

    4.5Vertical seismicaction

    Where,Fvdesign value of vertical seismic action on mass point iofthe equipment(N). 4.5.2The design value of vertical seismic action onhorizontal equipmentmay betaken as10%,15% and 20%of the total gravity load of the equipment when the design basic acceleration of ground motion is 0.20g,0.30g and 0.40g,respectively.


    ere,oallowableseismicstressofmaterial(MPa); K,adjustment coefficient of allowable seismic stress, which is taken as 1.2 for equipment bo and1.33forsupportingmembers:

    Eelastic modulus ofmaterial at design temperature(MPa)

    Table 4.7.2Calculation coefficient k

    ere,K.adjustmentcoefficientofallowableseismicstress,whichistakenas1.2; [ojallowable stress of material at design temperature(MPa),which is taken as the smaller allowablestressofaccessoriesandthatofequipmentbodymaterial.

    Horizontal vessels

    5.1 Generalrequirements


    2Seismicactionand seismicchecking

    5.3.2The anchor bolts on sliding support shall be provided with features for limiting the lateral displacementofvessel. 5.3.3Where the seismic fortification intensity is greater than or equal to 7 degree,the support shall be welded to thevessel body

    6 Verticalvesselssupportedbylegs

    6.1 General requirements

    2Forvertical vessel supported bylegsmounted ongroundwithdiameterlessthan1.2m,hei s than 3m (including the height of legs) , and leg height less than 0.5m, if the seismic fortificat nsity is 6 degree or7degree,seismic checking of the vesselmay notberequired,but the requireme details of seismicdesign shall be met. N.m annoiad

    .1The basic natural vibration period of vertical vessel supported by legs may be calcula ording to the following formula:

    K. 4E( I2)


    7.I General requirements

    73 Seismic action and seismic checking

    requirements of Appendix C in this standard

    7.4Details of seismic design

    7.4Details of seismic design

    7.4.1Thelugs shouldbelocatedabovethecentroid of vessel.

    o Verticalvesselssupportedbyskirt

    8.1 General requirements

    Cylindrical section: I=(D+0)30 I = 元DDi0 Conic section: 4(D + Dr)

    .3Seismic actionand seismic checking

    8.4Details of seismicdesign



    9. Generalrequirements

    9.1.1The seismic design of a spherical tank with adjustable or fixed type tie rods which is supported by columns along the equator( with the centerlines of the columns being tangent to or secant to the inner wall of the spherical shell)shall meet the requirements of this chapter, 9.1.2 In calculation of seismic action on spherical tanks, the effeet of contents shall be taken into account

    Figure 9.2.1Diagram of effective mass coefficient of stored liquid

    9.2.2The horizontal stiffness of support system of spherical tank (Figure 9.2.2)sh accordingto thefollowingformulas:

    .2Thehorizontal stiffness of support system of spherical tank (Figure 9.2.2)shallbe calcula ordingtothefollowingformulas:

    l0Vertical cylindricalstoragetanks

    i0Vertical cylindrical storagetanks



    Note:D is inside diameter of storage tank(mm

    10.3Horizontal seismic action and seismic effect

    nRea, Y,meqg meg = mi9

    D k。=0.13725(1+0.0429 H

    10.5Seismic checking of tank shell

    A,Z G.≤[o.]


    10.6Liquid sloshing height

    市政工艺、技术6.1Theliquidsloshingwaveheightinsidethetankunderhorizontalseismicactionshall culated according to the following formula:

    tank,and 1.0 for fixed rooftank; K,adjustmentcoefficient; αvhorizontal seismic influence coefficient, which shall be determined based on Tw and liquid sloshing damping ratio according to the requirement of Section 4.2 in this standard in respect ofprecautionaryearthquake. 10.6.2In the case ofcontaining flammable or toxic liquid,forfloating rooftanks,thedistancefromthe upper surface of floating roof to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for fixed roof tanks, the distance from the liquid surface to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height.

    tank,and 1.0 for fixed rooftank; K,adjustmentcoefficient; αvhorizontal seismic influence coefficient, which shall be determined based on Tand liquid sloshing damping ratio according to the requirement of Section 4.2 in this standard in respect ofprecautionaryearthquake. 10.6.2In thecaseof containing flammableor toxic liquid,forfloating rooftanks,thedistance from the upper surface of floating roof to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for fixed roof tanks, the distance from the liquid surface to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height.

    11 Tubular heater




    T,= 0.0268+0.0444 VD2

  • 化工标准 石油标准 设备标准
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